Environmental, Economic and Social Responsibility Statement
Eldee Station has an important role to play in protection and enhancing the environment not only for our guests but also the residents of far western New South Wales. We also realise that we have an economic and social responsibility to our regional community.
- We seek to grow Far Western NSW visitor economy in a sustainable and responsible manner
- We seek to be compliant with all laws, regulations and industry standards to accomplish rigorous environmental practices across our tourism and agribusiness operations
- We seek to Identify and minimise all possible environmental risks associated with the operation of Eldee Station
- We Seek to ensure there is no long term environmental or cultural impact from the operation of Eldee Station
- We seek to reduce contributions to greenhouse gas emissions and improve resilience and adaptation to climate change
- We seek to implement policies and procedures to reduce our use of energy and water usage and reduce waste without compromising our service and products for guests by monitoring usage
- We seek to adopt energy saving practices and energy efficient equipment
- We seek to communicate to staff their responsibilities and awareness of environmental management procedures needed to reduce impact on the environment through training and are encouraged to contribute to improved environmental practices
- We seek to make guests also aware of the environmental management procedures and their responsibilities as guests on Eldee Station
- We seek out opportunities to include the local indigenous community which adds greater depth to our guests’ experiences
- We seek to develop ongoing partnerships with local, regional and state tourism bodies to ensure the longevity of the tourism product and to achieve wider environmental goals
- We seek to minimize hazardous chemical use in preference for biodegradable or natural alternatives.
- We seek to reduce our carbon footprint by reducing our energy use and fuel because we can source fresh product locally and whenever possible vegetables from our garden and fresh eggs from our chickens and we give scraps to the chickens to recycle through their food intake and reduces waste
- We seek to regularly monitor our environmental performance relative to our policies, objectives and targets, and to maintain a continuous commitment to improve our environmental practices on a yearly basis
- We seek to continue to invest in our local community and promote local Food, Art, Craft, History, Music, Culture and attractions